
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

New Batik clothes...I'm in love...

Ohayo-gozaimas! Today -- after like forever -- I'm gonna write a new post about fashion. Yup, fashion! You might not know that I am actually someone who have a keen interest in fashion. Look up my Tumblr page and you'll find bunches of selfies there :D

OK, now, the story comes from my office holding a three-day workshop at Eastparc Hotel, Yogyakarta a couple of weeks ago. Before the event, I and 3 other female staffs decided to get some batik and promised to wear them together. We bought two patterns of batik at KOKELGAM, and had them tailored into beautiful blouses, according to our own styles. Both are in tenun patterns. Each piece is about 2 m length for IDR 50,000.

On the first day, we agreed to 'save the show for later' and put on our black suits instead. So, on day #2 and day #3, we surprised other staffs with our quartet batik outfits hehe, and we really made everyone envious :p

Day #2:
I had to admit that I'm a bit disappointed at this one blouse (dress?). I went to the tailor showing a picture of something like this peplum top, and had them make it for me.

But, by the time I picked it up, it turned out like this! Hiks, well, I don't hate the result cut that bad. It's just that when ME wearing, it adds volume into my tummy :(

Day #3:
And for the other pattern, I made them into two pieces of clothes: blazer & sleeveless shirt. As I haven't taken any picture of wearing the sleeveless one, I post only the blazer :)

Actually, I still have some more batik fabrics at home. My father bought them for me and my step-mother on his work trips across the nations. So, I just can't wait to pull them out of closet and charm them into pretty dresses. How could having batik never been this exciting before? What kind of Indonesian am I exactly? LOL. Anyway, batik is beautiful. Batik is rich. Batik is exotic. Batik is ethnic. Batik is us, Indonesia. :)

Wanna know more about Batik? Visit the Wikipedia page on Batik.

Friday, December 27, 2013

[Recipe] Japanese Style Potato Salad (Resep: Salad Kentang a la Jepang)

Hi! It's been like a decade since I wrote the last time. Kangen juga pingin nulis di blog lagi. Tapi, mutusin topik yang mau ditulis itu satu perkara lagi buat saya. Kalau lagi mentok begini, paling gampang adalah nulis tentang sesuatu yang sehari-hari dilakuin, salah satunya adalah masak. Hehe, yup, betul sekali. This time again, saya mau berbagi satu resep terbaru lagi: Potato Salad atau Salad Kentang.
Japanese Potato Salad
Idenya saya dapat dari akun youtube Cooking With Dog, dan disitu dia bilang "this is what Japanese people call as potato salad". So, bisa dibilang ini salad kentang a la orang Jepang.
Pertama nyoba bikin langsung puas. Adek saya suka dan langsung minta dibuatin lagi untuk keesokan harinya. Salad ini cocok buat makan siang. Enak, sehat, dan ngenyangin! :)


  • 2 buah kentang ukuran sedang, iris dadu kira-kira 2cm
  • 1 buah wortel, iris-iris membentuk 1/4 lingkaran setebal 0,5 cm atau sesuai selera
  • 1/2 buah timun jepang, atau 1/3 buah timun biasa ukuran sedang, iris tipis-tipis, taburi garam
  • 1/2 bawang bombay, iris tipis mengikuti arah lapisan (membujur), taburi garam
  • 2 buah sosis sapi, iris tipis
  • 2 buah telur ayam rebus
  • 4 sdm mayonaise
  • 1 sdt gula pasir
  • 1 sdt cuka
  • garam
  • lada/merica bubuk

Cara membuat:

  1. Masukkan irisan kentang dan wortel ke dalam panci berisi air. Beri garam sebanyak 1/2 sdt,lalu biarkan sampai mendidih.
  2. Kecilkan api, masukkan irisan sosis. Diamkan 2-3 menit, pokoknya sampai kentang empuk.
  3. Tiriskan kentang, wortel, dan sosis. Lalu masukkan ke dalam panci lagi.
  4. Nyalakan kompor, lalu kocok panci berisi kentang tadi di atas api, sampai permukaan kentang seperti bertepung. Langkah ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi kadar air di dalamnya.
  5. Masukkan kentang, wortel dan sosis tersebut ke dalam mangkuk.
  6. Beri sejumput garam, cuka, gula pasir dan merica bubuk. Aduk-aduk sampai rata.
  7. Peras irisan timun yang sudah digarami, lalu masukkan ke dalam campuran kentang.
  8. Bilas irisan bawang bombay yang sudah digarami, lalu peras. Masukkan ke dalam campuran kentang.
  9. Masukkan mayonaise, lalu beri merica bubuk lagi. Aduk rata.
  10. Iris dadu kecil-kecil telur rebus, campur ke mangkuk. Aduk rata kembali.
  11. Salad kentang siap disajikan! (Untuk 2 porsi BESAR)

Selamat mencoba!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

[Recipe] Instant Donuts! Nom nom nom ^.^

Hi all you bloggers!
It's me again, with my 'sort of' cooking style
Not song long ago, maybe a couple of weeks, I found this super helpful box at the supermarket near my house. Indo Donut from PONDAN. Check this picture out
 As I remember, it's around IDR 11,000 for this one box. And you can make about 16 pieces of donuts out of it. Pretty cool, huh?
So, what I did next, I just followed the instructions behind the package. For the additional ingredients, I just need a tablespoon of margarine and 3 egg yolks.
To make it easier, just knead the dough with your hand like I did. Knead it until its smooth and not sticky anymore.
Cover it with wet towel or any other clean cloth, 15 minutes is enough, just to make sure the dough rises.
Then, uncover, punch the dough all your might!
Well, it's a good chance when you actually need to release stress :))
Knead it over again to let the air out.
Then, divide the dough into 16 same size pieces. You can shape them up into whatever you like.

 And these are my shapes. You can just guess how great my mood then

 I rested them for another 15 minutes, then deep fried them. And this is really important: You need ENOUGH HOT OIL so that they are really DEEP FRIED and you get the texture right.
You can just serve them right away while they're still hot. Or you can dip them in chocolate sauce or anything you like, but I prefer simply mix them with powdered sugar.

And here you go!
I know it doesn't look attractive (due to my un-creative hands), but taste really good! Nomnomnom...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

[Recipe] Ice-blended Choco Lychee

Hi all you bloggers! 
Siang-siang lagi bosen setengah mati nih di rumah. Pengen yang seger-seger tapi males keluar. Terus, iseng-iseng deh buka kulkas ada mainan apa disana. (mainan coba :D)

Entah dari mana datengnya ide itu, langsung aja saya ambil my only blender.
Lalu, saya keluarin sisa Milo yang ada di kulkas. Kira-kira masih 4 sendok makan lah.
Terus, kebetulan di meja samping kulkas bertengger sirup Marjan rasa Leci.
Oye, karena dirasa bahan bakunya udah cukup, mulailah saya beraksi B-)

Step 1:
  • Masukkan beberapa potong es batu ke dalam blender. Kira-kira satu gelas belimbing lah.
  • Throw some ice cubes (about one cup) into the blender.
Step 2:
  • Masukkan 4 sendok makan Milo bubuk & 4 sendok makan sirup rasa leci.
  • Add 4 tbsp of Milo & 4 tbsp of lychee syrup.
Step 3:
  • Tuangi dengan setengah gelas air dingin.
  • Pour in a half cup of cold water.
Step 4:
  • Tutup blender lalu nyalakan. Campur hingga es hancur.
  • Close with the lid. Turn on the blender, and mix until the ice cubes perfectly crushed.
Step 5:
  • Tuangkan ke dalam gelas/cangkir dan segera nikmati. Dapat ditambahkan taburan coklat bubuk di atasnya.
  • Ready to serve. You can sprinkle some chocolate powder on it.

 Rasanya seger & unik !! Selamat mencoba ^.^

Friday, December 14, 2012

16 Years Without You

엄마, 잘 지냈어? 
하나님이 엄마를 잘 지켜 지? 
엄마 보고싶다. 
너무 너무 보고싶어. 
난 이제 엄마 목소리를 잊을까봐. 
나 어떻게?

Sudah 16 tahun.
Ibu, apa kabar?
Tuhan menjaga Ibu dengan baik kan?
Aku merindukanmu, Bu.
Sangat amat rindu.
Sepertinya aku mulai lupa seperti apa suaramu.
Aku harus bagaimana?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Women=long-winded | Men=hasty ?

It's actually funny to me. I was watching one of WGM episodes of Adam Couple (BEG Ga In & 2AM Jo Kwon) when this scene happened.

Ga In and Kwon were reading the magazine where the two's recent pictorials and interview are posted.

It cracked me up right away. Guess why? I've experienced this before,too :))
What about you, all you bloggers? Have you experienced or seen something like this?
Do you agree with Ga In's opinion like I do? :D

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I'm not alone :')

Today, something pissed me off. It made me tried to think about something to calm me down.
It's just that I feel like I'm left out. I'm there, but I'm not exist.

So, I need something cheering me up. And that is flashing back to couple days ago where I had a vacation with my besties from college. I had a great days. I became myself again.
Indeed, the place where I belong is where the people not only notice me, but are aware of my existence.
That's not the place where I see them as emerald yet they see me as only green.
I'm so grateful to have people who will still look for me, and feel that it's better if I'm with them even though I'm here far away.
Love my classmates :)